QuestionsTourism-AdviceHello! Do you know if on public beaches (belle mare, troux aux biches, Île aux c…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hello! Do you know if on public beaches (belle mare, troux aux biches, Île aux cerfs) there are showers?

Seenauth Veeraj answered 7 months ago


San Ya answered 7 months ago

In trou aux biches they have

Michaela Koch answered 7 months ago

Every public beach has Toilets and showers…

Razia Peerally answered 7 months ago

Yes every public beach has

Jewan Hosanee answered 7 months ago

Yes at time it rains and showers as well.

Raman Ram answered 7 months ago


Ash Ley answered 7 months ago

There are on every public beach

Lynne Lynne Sookdawar answered 7 months ago


Steve Kilsby answered 7 months ago

I had a shower at troux aux biches yesterday and there was a little dance party going on with the locals which was lovely, I also had a shower at Belle Mare beach today in the west, so the answer to your question is yes 😊🎅

Irovini Muni answered 7 months ago


Irovini Muni answered 7 months ago

Very good shower indeed hot and cold water

Gaby Devyll answered 7 months ago

Yes. But they don’t work.

Vishal D Woodun answered 7 months ago


Amita Rose answered 7 months ago


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