QuestionsTourism-AdviceI have been waiting for a response from Mauritius gov Office since 15 Nov…
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
Hello. I have been waiting for a response from Mauritius gov Office since 15 Nov. Topic: work visa approval. Nothing so far. My departure has been rescheduled already 3 Times. Is that normal that it takes that looong? I'm supposed to depart tomorrow but I don't think this is gonna happen ...
Thanks for replies, have a great sunny day down there!

Yvonne Ni Cormaic answered 8 months ago

You can still come and get your holiday visa and then sort out tour premium visa from here

Merle Parmak answered 8 months ago

Similar here. Waiting for my premium visa since 2 October. No replies

Virg Fergal answered 8 months ago

Welcome to Mauritius..they still use pigeon to communicate fro. One office to the next ….yep.sorry to say there is no.rush here …everything takes a long time …it’s like going 100 years back in time …like in uk police know who you are if ur taxed tested insured ects before you get pulled over …here no you have to carry every document ..

Pat Rick answered 8 months ago

Celà peut prendre beaucoup plus de temps que cà.Maintenant dans le meilleur des cas compter à partir de mi-janvier

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