Anonymous asked 7 months ago


With an almost 2 year old (and without a proper stroller), which Nature park would you recommend:
La Vanille
La Vallée Des Couleurs

All are the same distance from our hotel.

Sabrina Sonatun answered 7 months ago

Hi… Casela for sure.. But all the places u mentioned are interesting 😉😊

Hello you can go for all but for children casela and la vanille better thank you

Fa Ra answered 7 months ago

La vanille des couleur

Razia Peerally answered 7 months ago


Miven Davissen Daniel answered 7 months ago

Was at La Vanille today, if it can walk, it should be the best venue…

Nadeem Mira Sahib answered 7 months ago

La vallee des couleurs.

Roger LE Saux answered 7 months ago

Chzmarel et la vanille les autres sont sans interet

Naf Sai answered 7 months ago

Katalin Hitter all of these are different and has its own beauty ❤️❤️❤️🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺

Eddy Rajiah answered 7 months ago

I would suggest buying a cheap stroller. It was so helpful for Casela and walking around

Vina Ramalingum answered 7 months ago

Casela best place to be wiz a baby …

Christian Lee answered 7 months ago


Katalin Hitter answered 7 months ago

Thanks for all your helpful comments, it helped a lot!

Mohammad Rezah Nandoo answered 7 months ago


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