QuestionsTourism-AdviceAny events/festivals in the North for Holi tomorrow that I can take my kids to?
Anonymous asked 4 months ago

Hi Everyone Wondering if anyone knows of events/festivals in the North for Holi tomorrow that I can take my kids to 🙏🏽☺️

Gautam Tendulkar answered 4 months ago

Maybe Camp Thorel

Anjali Teeluck Tendulkar answered 4 months ago

Bon Accueil

RajVir Adith answered 4 months ago

Some temples, Lallmatie, Bon Accueil, Quatre Bornes, St Pierre

Krishna Harry answered 4 months ago

Morcellement St Andre shivala or football ground

Ismail Nujjoo answered 4 months ago

In grandbaie on the streets u got them…near Super U or on the way to grand bay bazar…they play holi on the street…

Krishna Harry answered 4 months ago

Riviere du rempart too

Navin Manohur answered 4 months ago

In triolet should be

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