QuestionsTourism-AdviceHi! I’m new on this website. I recently joined because I’ve booked for next year…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hi! I'm new on this website. I recently joined because I've booked for next year

Christa Vanhecke answered 7 months ago

Welcome Sue!

Sabrina Sonatun answered 7 months ago

Awwww welcome😊

Prit Koonjul answered 7 months ago

Good well done good choice , you will enjoy the island x

DeLui VientmonSalut answered 7 months ago

🙏 🤗 🙏 🤗 🙏 welcome

Mario Fabre answered 7 months ago

Welcome to the paradise Island of Mauritius

Peter Hughes answered 7 months ago

Welcome to the group and have a great time soaking up the multi culturalism of my wife’s home island

Sue Thorpe answered 7 months ago

Thank you so much❤️we can’t wait to explore this amazing island x

Donald Peddie answered 7 months ago

Welcome. If interested in history download the mauheritage app

Salma Yakub answered 7 months ago

Congratulation, you will enjoy every moment of it. Have a wonderful time

Jim Brown answered 7 months ago

Hi Sabrina….the next question is…..what is the weather like ……:P

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