QuestionsTourism-AdviceWhich side of the island has the most tropical/beautiful beaches?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hi there 🙂 which side of the island has the most tropical/beautiful beaches? I am planning on going in April.. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Robert Clark answered 7 months ago

i hear that the north has the best beaches also the west

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 7 months ago

The east!

Simi Rajkoomar answered 7 months ago

Wherever you go is beautiful x

Vikram Singh Damree answered 7 months ago

The North

Faizul Rohomun answered 7 months ago


Rosabie Anton-Sattel answered 7 months ago

Chacun a son charme

Uta Boter answered 7 months ago

My favourite beaches are in the North, Trou aux Biches and Mont Choisy.

Natanya Herbst Meyer answered 7 months ago

For me, the north. Mon Choisy, La Cuvette, Pereybere were the ones we went to most. Many other nice ones also. I think less windy in north and west

Casa Frangipani Mauritius answered 7 months ago

East coast 👌🏽

Dale Parker answered 7 months ago

West is best

Sandra Brittain answered 7 months ago


Clifford Bernon answered 7 months ago


Suren J Jag answered 7 months ago

I like Mont Choisy in the north, Flicenflac in the west, Bluebay in the south and Bellemarre in the east. You can’t go wrong in either coast.

Jane Clarke Saeed answered 7 months ago

The north has some of the most beautiful beaches I have had the privilege to visit

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