QuestionsTourism-AdviceIs it too cold to swim in the pool in July?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hi! We are thinking of coming to mauritius in july 2024 can anyone help me about the weather would you recommwnd it to swim with kids in the pool and sea or is it too cold? Thanks in advance🤍valerie

Jo Greenwood Richards answered 8 months ago

25degrees roughly head north northwest Victoria nice for families both ok sea or pool if you’re from England

Adill Doorga answered 8 months ago

Should be fine…

Tracy Hodges answered 8 months ago

We will be there July/Aug 2024 with our 10 year old son.

There is no guarantee that the weather will be sunny all the time, as it’s their winter, but I’ve heard that it’s usually like a British summer that time of year and it’s a tropical island, so could be a mixed bag of sunshine, rain and wind over the course of a holiday or even in one day. It varies across the island too and can be very changeable.

I watched the island webcams this year around july/August and it was mostly overcast in the mornings, and looked very windy in the south, and then clearer skies with patchy sunshine and clouds in the afternoons. It seems, from other people’s experiences expressed here, that it is often lovely in July too.

We are hoping for mostly good weather, but it’s pot luck, a bit like a British summer.

We will go in the sea and pool whatever the weather, but we will be bringing a wetsuit for my son, just in case, as he feels the cold.

We will also bring a jolly brolly and light raincoats just in case too.

I have only visited Mauritius in September, quite a few years ago, and the weather was absolutely stunning then and the sea was warm enough for us to swim in, but as I say it’s a tropical island, so it can be changeable and July isn’t as warm as other times of the year in the sea.

If you search back to previous chats you will see that there is always a lot of conversation about the weather and some people get quite heated and fed up with weather related questions, so please be aware of that.

I hope that people will be kind.

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