QuestionsTourism-AdviceCan I bring CBD oil (cannabinoid) for personal use to Mauritius?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Please advise: can I bring CBD oil (cannabinoid) for personal use?

Michael van Tonder answered 7 months ago

dont think they have issue with oil, but deff strick smoking rules

Matthew Collier answered 7 months ago


Nawfal Ramankhan answered 7 months ago


Hélène Thudo answered 7 months ago


Jacques Clarel Lamothe answered 7 months ago

Won’t recommend unless you hide it in your drop bag luggage and not too much but definitely don’t even try keep it with you due to border check also the fluid limitations

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago


Leigh Visser answered 7 months ago

If you get caught you will go to jail.

Fabian Joel answered 7 months ago

Dont do it! Anything related to drugs or drug use will get you locked up and your passport confiscated.

Zane Holohan answered 7 months ago


Travis Bigara answered 7 months ago

A definite nope

Shreya Deborah answered 7 months ago

It’s CBD oil. It’s not raw cannabis. It is processed. Plus the oil is for external use like any other oil. I would get my doctor give me a prescription. Then it become a prescribed medication. Or just pour the oil in another bottle and bring it with u. It does not smell like cannabis at all. We use this oil for pain remedy all the time

Joan Béchard answered 7 months ago


No it’s not allowed

Simon Woodhouse answered 7 months ago

Wouldn’t risk it

Alex Berger answered 7 months ago

Better buy fresh weed from the guys on the street

Niven Chinamoothoo answered 7 months ago

Call me

Koly Ranoroarisoa answered 7 months ago

Bring and you’ll spend your stay there in jail even more

Karen Trethewey Gee answered 7 months ago

It’s still considered as a drug ..

Gillian A Troubat answered 7 months ago

You wanna have an extended holiday stay in one of the notorious 5 ⭐️ hotel ?
If not, don’t even THINK about it !
And with ANYTHING to do with cannabis, the penalties are not fines most of the time, but prison times…and bloody long time.
And what I just mentioned applies even for personal use. In fact, whether it’s for personal or MEDICAL use or not, it makes ZERO difference. CBD oil for medical use is still not legal in MRU.

Gillian A Troubat answered 7 months ago

And please, do NOT listen to ppl telling you to get a Dr’s certificate for it and you’ll be fine— you won’t!
If caught, expect a definite extended stay!…whether in jail during all the legal process or on bail. BUT in both cases, your passport will be confiscated and a “objection to departure” will be ordered by the court.
Do NOT risk it!
Mind you, there are certain meds that are completely legal in other parts of the world that are still illegal in MRU (in Australia these meds are listed as S8 – Controlled Drugs…for example, meds for ADHD)

Yevgen Khanas answered 7 months ago

You can’t bring to Mauritius even strawberry vape ☝️vape is not allowed 🚫 here

Vish Bhundhoo answered 7 months ago


Raman Ram answered 7 months ago

No Dr,

Faadhila Keenoo answered 7 months ago

In November 2022, Mauritius joined a growing number of African countries, such as South Africa, Rwanda and Ghana amongst others, who have legalised the dispensing of cannabis or its extracts to people suffering from a range of medical conditions. The Dangerous Drug Act 2000 (the “Amended DDA”) was amended to decriminalise the use of cannabis for medical purposes in Mauritius and, more specifically, it provides clarity on how medical cannabis will be regulated and dispensed.

If you have a prescription you could risk it I guess.. but it’s a risk nevertheless.

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