QuestionsTourism-AdviceYour thoughts on this…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

We are in Mauritius for two weeks at the end of January. We want to experience a lot, have small children with us and will rent a car. Our rough plan: From the airport to the south, there two or three nights, south coast: Le Souffleur, La Vanille Nature Park, overnight in Riambel, Rochester Falls. Then southwest, three or four nights in La Gaulette: Le Morne, beaches, Black River Gorges NP, 7 colored earths. West in Tamarin, three nights: beach and Casela Park, Martello Tower. East, three nights glamping in Grand River South East, trip to Ile aux Cerfs. What are your thoughts on this?

Vitus Hoffmann answered 7 months ago

hört sich sehr stressig an grad mit Kindern, da bist du ja mehr mit Einpacken/Auspacken beschäftigt als die Insel zu sehen. Ich würde maximal zwei Stationen machen einmal Norden, Einmal Süden und VIELLEICHT 1 Tag/Nacht vorm Abflug in Port Louis. Beachtet dass ihr eh jeden Punkt auf der Insel in ca. 2h mit dem Auto erreicht.

Jess Ica answered 7 months ago

Lydia Boat Mauritius you can contact them for your boat trip from la gaulette

Nicole He answered 7 months ago

Sehr stressig…und das mit Kids. Man muss sich auf jeden Fall auch aklimatisieren…und …nicht vergessen…es könnte auch 2 Wochen lang regnen.

Muhammad Rayaan Ali answered 7 months ago

Feel free to call 5768 4844 car rental or taxis 🚕 services

Fabrice Ponin Fabrice answered 7 months ago

Sunkid _Mauritius Authentic & Local pour ile aux cerfs et autre

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    Mauritius is also home to two UNESCO World Heritage sites - the first is Aapravasi Ghat, where Indian labourers were brought over by the Britishers to work on the sugarcane plantations. The name translates to immigration depot. The second World Heritage Site - Mont Le Morne Brabant was once a sanctuary for the slaves who escaped their master's oppressive rule in the 18th and early 19th centuries. This mountain is a popular trekking destination and can provide trekkers with views of a lifetime.
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