QuestionsTourism-AdviceShould I ignore the weather forecast?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Was about to book from 25.02 24 for 8 nights to Ambre resort but after reading all the weather reviews for febr-march I am not sure anymore is worth the risk considering one week of stay only.. what do you think? Should I ignore the forecast? who was end febr beggining march 23? Did you regret it? Thanks for your feedback!

Rajen Ramah answered 7 months ago

How can you trust a weather review 2-3 months ahead..?

Ashil Bodasing answered 7 months ago

You will love Ambre.

Claude Chane Mui answered 7 months ago

Bonjour. Je ne veux pas vous décourager mais comme je suis des îles 🇷🇪 dites -vous bien que vous êtes en été austral certes avec des températures estivales mais c’est la saison des pluies voire des cyclones. Vous ne pouvez rien faire contre dame nature et c’est comme à la roulette russe. Pour l’instant j’y suis depuis le 20 on a eu un gros orage dans la nuit du 24 déc et depuis il fait beau. A vous de jouer 😉😊

Melissa Smit answered 7 months ago

February usually has cyclones🌀

Sarah Lake answered 7 months ago

We cannot guarantee weather –
So rather not come if you want sunshine every day and no rain

Vitus Hoffmann answered 7 months ago

if you want guaranteed sun beach holiday better go to abu dhabi or dubai.

Navin Navin answered 7 months ago

even if it rains, its nice

Christa Vanhecke answered 7 months ago

I was there in febr. Once. We just had 1 day of rain. It was warm but humide. We did not have regret it. It was vool to have a week of good weather during the Belgian winter.

Isla Stenning MacCallum answered 7 months ago

It’s tropical, it rains, if you only want the sunshine 🌞 go to the desert locations. Mru is so much more than sunshine

Gone Go answered 7 months ago

U rather cancel for may..Jan get till April not worth it…cyclone n the rain u will not njoy

Joyce Collins answered 7 months ago

We have booked the first 2 weeks in February, we know it could possibly be rainy, it’s cyclone season, but we don’t care, it will be hot and it would be lovely to swim in the rain. It will be a treat to get away from the February weather of the UK. 😊

Jan-Ian Low answered 7 months ago

We were there February this year the weather rain hot with 100% humidity 🥵

Jo Robert answered 7 months ago

One of the biggest rain we had was end of march. Rain and cyclone can really happen anytime

Jill Holloway answered 7 months ago

The cyclones are really nothing. They mean tiny waves in the normally flat lagoons. And a bit of wind. However insurance on cars and boats is suspended so activities are more limited. Boats are taken out of the water. It’s taken seriously by Mauritians but we holidayed through a cyclone and it lasted1 day. We still swam abd walked and ate out but coukd not go diving.

Vina Ramalingum answered 7 months ago

So you will confirm your booking on others review about the weather which no one can control or predict.. Would Mauritius have a full 2 weeks cyclone or rains.. rain is a blessing for us living on a tropical island and even for tourists who will be able to enjoy a nice stay in a greenery island beautiful rivers, cascade and mountains .. only you can decide if you want to give it a try.. whatever advises you will get you will be the one to travel to Mauritius.. do enjoy you stay in Mauritius whatever time you come ..

LG Modun answered 7 months ago

No one can guarantee the weather these days. You could be lucky with perfect weather as well as being hit with rain!
I would say go for it though and enjoy ..plenty of things to do.
This year we were in Mru in Feb and there was a cyclone..My son and I were in a hotel and had a great time irrespective!
We were there again end November/December and mix weather…good days bad days…although sometimes unbearably hot. But I guess in hotel and on beach you’ll be fine.

Chris Honn answered 7 months ago

Its rainy season and cyclone season. It changes from year to year. No one can tell you…

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