QuestionsTourism-AdviceWeather app shows it’s been raining; should we pack waterproofs?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
We arrive on the 29th for a week but weather looks awful and some friends left today saying days of solid rain….. when it shows rain on the weather app is it just a shower and then nice or should we pack waterproofs?

Vitus Hoffmann answered 7 months ago

boat i think you need a boat

Hana Uváčková answered 7 months ago

Today is weather forecast 80%rain. For the current status at flic en flac, please check the photo. 😎

Natalie Sandford answered 7 months ago

We got back end of November and had the same weather forecast. Mornings were lovely but by about mid day it was pretty bad. Still very warm but not sunny!

Morné Klinkenberg answered 7 months ago


Adie Bailey answered 7 months ago

Take no notice of weather apps.

Doreen Soulsby answered 7 months ago

Take no notice of weather apps. More often than not heavy rain passes pretty quickly and sun returns. One minute it’s heavy rain next minute it’s sunny. We’ve just returned and that’s how it was.

Caron Du Plessis answered 7 months ago

Thunderstorms predicted for today, but not a drop of rain so far

Jannie Calitz answered 7 months ago

Last week they predicted rain every day, but we had 7 straight days of sunshine. Yesterday it rained heavy, but today we are back on the beach with a perfect sunny day. In the north at Trou aux biches. Today a perfect snorkeling sunny day at Balaclava beach.

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 7 months ago

Beautiful weather today!

Candice Istace-Kelly answered 7 months ago

Ignore weather apps.
I also stressed and packed warm clothes only to have a few late afternoon showers. People still swim Even when raining, just cools down the hot humid weather

Jan Foster answered 7 months ago

Much too hot and humid for waterproofs. An umbrella is always handy for rain and hot sun.

Sarah Dickinson answered 7 months ago

We are here now. We had solid rain yesterday in Tamarin. Bit we cancelled
Quad biking because of the forecast today – and there’s not a drop of rain 🙈

Aarti Sawhney answered 7 months ago

Where abouts are you staying on the island ?

Gill Moore answered 7 months ago

It’s hot hot hot today . Rained yesterday heavy but usually fine next day

Delphine Arnould answered 7 months ago


Départ pour nous la semaine prochaine !

Annie Simons answered 7 months ago

J’arrive aussi fin décembre le 30
J’espère qu’il fera beau 🤩

Nora Tiszai answered 7 months ago

Also arriving the 29 th and looking weather forecast every day🙈🙈

Nkè Hmrlinck answered 7 months ago

We arrive today and no rain. The weather app say’s 75% rain but the sun is out. So don’t worry. It’s beautifull and verry tropical. 😎

Irene Fiedler answered 7 months ago

Normally it doesnt rain the whole day !

Tracey J Button answered 7 months ago

We arrived yesterday evening in rain, nice today and very hot not any wet stuff apart from the sea/pool.

Arnie Burt answered 7 months ago

It’s Summer, it will rain.

Shivonne Valadon answered 7 months ago

Today at Casela ☀️

Gaby Devyll answered 7 months ago

Who cares it rains or not. You have to work around the weather and make your holiday as pleasant as possible.

Nim Pompe answered 7 months ago

Best thing is to be in the ocean when it rains…try it 😀

Iskra Horvat answered 7 months ago

We were at south in period November 6th until November 20th, and we had only 4 days with sun…unfortunately we had 4 whole days of heavy rain, so we could not do anything but stay at hotel, and the rest was cloudy with rain.. we bought a raincoat there, we also wanted to buy rubber boots, but we couldn’t find any… so I would advise you to take a raincoat and rubber boots, because we had a problem that we got all the clothes we brought wet, and because of the humidity, nothing could dry without a hair dryer, and the tennis shoes were wet for days.
In any case, you don’t need warm clothes, because even when it’s raining heavily, a hoodie is enough.
If I have the chance to go to Mauritius again, I will definitely pack a raincoat and rubber boots, so that I can take advantage of every day, even the rainy ones.

Lindsey Wilson answered 7 months ago

Embrace the rain. We just ducked under our sun bed umbrellas and before you know it, it’s sunny and warm again. Enjoy 🥰

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