QuestionsTourism-AdviceNeed your help for the detailed planning of our trip
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
We will be in Mauritius for 13 days over Easter. Now I need your help for the detailed planning. Which excursions would you recommend? We have a rental car and prefer individual tours (with/without guide) From what age can you do ziplining? Which dive sites are the most beautiful ones? Which treks did you do and where can you swim in waterfalls? At what beach it is possible to do horseback riding? Which beaches are the best with children? Thank you so much!

Sascha Weismann answered 7 months ago

Lilloo Keshav will assist you

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers answered 7 months ago

we can help you freely feel free to ask us any help Mauritius vip Tours & transfers or any information

Mauritius vip Tours & transfers answered 7 months ago

some waterfall yes can swim
need a guide
zipline can send you location you go
as for horse riding same have many places we can send you all address

Rajiv Seeburn answered 7 months ago

Discover Amber Island by kayak.

Naf Sai answered 7 months ago

Dany Schneider for all your information I’ll highly recommend you Mauritius Tour Guide thank you see you soon ❤️❤️❤️🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺

Adam Popovics answered 7 months ago

Minissy, Rioux both are easy hikes, and you can swim there.

Martin Beffert - Mauritius answered 7 months ago

500 Euros and we’ll answer all the questions! 😎

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