QuestionsTourism-AdviceWe want to leave our cleaner a tip but unsure what is an appropriate amount…
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
We’re going home tomorrow after being here for 2 weeks and want to leave our cleaner a tip but unsure what is an appropriate amount!

How much do people tend to leave (in rupees)

Tracey Roberts answered 7 months ago

I’m sure she’ll be grateful of anything you gift her x

Vitus Hoffmann answered 7 months ago

5000 rupees be ok imho.

Ant Johnson answered 7 months ago

1000 Rs is about £20.

Fritz Rioux answered 7 months ago

Surely you must have an idea of how much to tip after having been on the island for two weeks

Gavin Blair answered 7 months ago

We gave hotel staff 500 to 1000 😊

Desire Avice answered 7 months ago

I would say Rs2000 as a rule. If you can afford more, why not? You will get the satisfaction of putting a smile on somebody’s face who would be most likely be on minimum wage.

Axelle Cindy Bertrand answered 7 months ago

If they dine a great job and it us christmas Rs5000 or and okay job Rs 3000 but if you are not so impressed at all Rs 1000.

Alexandria Banks answered 7 months ago

I’m sure whatever you give is better than nothing🌷👍

Nigel Heyes answered 7 months ago

We gave Rs1500 after a 10 night stay. She was super happy……and worth every rupee. 👍

Jacques Clarel Lamothe answered 7 months ago

Any good will gestures is much appreciated anywhere you go on the island and doesn’t matter how much you give. I usually do 1000rs but up to you what you’re willing to give.

Gerard Peka answered 7 months ago

I’d say between Rs 500 – 1000 + all your loose change! If the service has been excellent and you are feeling generous, you could give a bit more!

Vanda Jooganah answered 7 months ago

Rs2000 everytime

Ayesha Kettell answered 7 months ago

At a resto, we usually leave 15% as tip as very often such staff is underpaid and yet give utmost satisfaction. Same on cruise ships as well. So show your appreciation of their hard work with generosity.

Marlene Victor answered 7 months ago

We left our waiter Inr200 and he was so thankful.

Ally Deljoor Paul answered 7 months ago

It’s nearly Christmas and new year,Rs 3000 will be fine or more if you can

Vic Bhugaloo answered 7 months ago

This isn’t something you need to ask on the group, if you feel happy with the service the person provided you during your stay feel free to give anything what best for you accordingly to your travel budget, thanks

Raj Tirbooman answered 7 months ago

We stayed 3 nights in a hotel and gave the cleaner 2000.
She informed me that she will share it between 3 of them and true to her words when going off duty on our 2nd night all 3 of them nodded a word of thanks to me and my wife. The smiles said it all.
There is no hard and fast rules. Give what you can depending on your level of satisfaction.

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