QuestionsTourism-AdviceWhat’s the weather like in Mauritius in late July?
Anonymous asked 2 months ago
Looking for advice on a trip to Mauritius in late July or early August. Concerned about weather and if it will be too cold to enjoy the sea. Staying in Grand Baie.
Krish Shila Goodary answered 2 months ago

Daytime temperature hovers around 25 degrees, night time 19 degrees

Calypso Excursion Mauritius answered 2 months ago

Temperature between 17 and 25 degrees

John McGlade answered 2 months ago

A lot cooler than Southern Europe gets in July and August

Vincent Brousse de Gersigny answered 2 months ago

Staying in Grand Baie is probably one of the best places to stay a the time you are visiting there. Winter is relatively cool, but totally comfortable. You should be able to enjoy it very much. You should be able to swim and spend some good time enjoying the sun while you are spending long time lying down at the beach! Enjoy it and…you will tell me if I have it right. PS: I am a Mauritian guy and have lived in the USA for the past 31 years. But haven’t forgotten the place where my belly button has been buried some 64 years ago!!!

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