QuestionsTourism-AdviceWill I need to bring a wet suit to go snorkeling in April?
Anonymous asked 5 months ago

Will I need to bring a wet suit to go snorkeling in April? How warm is the sea at that time of year?

Brad Lemmon answered 5 months ago

We went in April, super warm water

Beatrix Polt answered 5 months ago


Lovish Bheechook answered 5 months ago

Should be around 23-25 degrees, for snorkelling i dont think you would need a wetsuit

Deva Comaren answered 5 months ago

Mauritius~We love it
I love my country and I am very happy to help.
But I have seen so many posts with silly questions?

Yulia Dobiesz answered 5 months ago

It felt very warm when we visited in April, no wetsuit was needed.

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