QuestionsTransportation-FlightsAlcohol on Air Mauritius
Anonymous asked 9 months ago
Air Mauritius flight from Gatwick on 6th November...
No alcohol served after dinner. 7.30pm lights dimmed and you're expected to sleep. I asked for a nightcap & was told no alcohol was being served for the rest of the flight.
Appalled! Wtf air mauritius?!

Erwan Elodie Leroux answered 9 months ago

Nul a chier rien de mieux qu Emirates même avec une escale a Dubaï je changerai pas

Tejaa Seth answered 9 months ago

I’m a teetotal I’m loving it..don’t drink and create a like football hooligans

Jim Donat answered 9 months ago

Air tickets should be without alcohol, and you buy it on board.Some passengers do not drink alcohol.

Nigel Freeman answered 9 months ago

Had no problem when we flew in February, drinks all the time and our flight departed at 10.30pm.

Janette Ashby answered 9 months ago

I can’t understand how people drink alcohol before or on a flight, it makes me feels horrible 😫

Vix Kennedy answered 9 months ago

Nursing home in the sky 😅

Rishi Moheeputh answered 9 months ago

Does anyone know if he survived the flight without any alcohol? Pathetic!

Gwen Kuter Proctor answered 9 months ago

You just have to get up and go to the area where the air hostesses are and get a drink

Gwen Kuter Proctor answered 9 months ago

We never have an issue get alcohol once lights are dimmed

Neervana Thandrayen answered 9 months ago

Don’t know what’s going on with them, they always used to serve alcohol all through during the flight. And with the recent move to Gatwick, I wonder if there is something else going on.

Diane Fischer answered 9 months ago

Never heard this..i always travel with mk and whoever wants a drink..ask and get one!

Paula Bailey answered 9 months ago

Emirates as and when requested. Great service xxx

Rachel Schoeffer answered 9 months ago

Is this a new policy. When I went in june before were still getting drinks as they was walking to the back of plane to get from the air hostess.

Jacques Van De Haar answered 9 months ago

Wow! People are super sensitive when it comes to their tipple! Good on you..🍸🍸🍸🥃🥃😘

Debbie Ross answered 9 months ago

Sounds perfect to me 🤩

Jason Dyer answered 9 months ago

Oooohhhh….. Someone has an issue 🤣

Roselle Laura Heurt answered 9 months ago

C’est bizarre, cela dépend du personnel à bord. Certains ne sont pas compétants. Je vous rassure,vous pouvez demander un apéritif à bord et même des digestifs, la seule chose est qu’ils ne connaissent pas la différence entre en cognac et un whisky. Sinon, vous pouvez demander. Air Mauritius est une ligne d’aviation extrêmement compétitive malheureusement, le personnel a bord n’est pas toujours compétants et sont très configurés.

J’ai déposé une plainte contre Air Mauritius, car durant mon sommeil j’ai été victime de violences physiques. Une femme voyageant seule, n’est pas bien accueilli par le personnel.

En général je prends toujours Air France, j’ai voulu changer. Pour faire travailler le pays… avant le décollage, j’ai choisi une place seule, côté hublot. L’avion était à moitié vide. Et à côté de moi, il y avait un couple de jeunes qui allaient se marier à Maurice. La jeune femme était très gênée que je sois à côté de son futur époux.
Personnellement, je n’en avait rien à faire car je retournais dans mon pays après 33 ans d’absence.

L’hôtesse de Air Mauritius, une indou bien négligée physiquement est venue pour leur dire qu’ils pouvaient se déplacer derrière mon siège.
Ils se sont déplacés. Je comprends. Mais lorsque on voyage en avion, il faut s’attendre à ce l’un des siège soir occupé par une tierce personne, sinon, il faut prendre un avion privé.

Après, L’hôtesse de Air Mauritius, m’a demandé de me déplacer, elle m’a dit d’aller au fond de l’avion, car il n’y personne.

J’ai compris que mon physique ou ma personne gêne. Je lui ai répondu : ” Je suis désolée, mais j’ai payé ma place en plus j’ai payé une option de 70 euros supplémentaire pour cette place donc je ne bougerai pas.

Elle m’a répondu : ” Ah Wouais ”

… Pour moi Air Mauritius est terminé.

Dans le vol du retour, l’un de leur personnel m’a violente, il m’a écrasé le pied.

Maurice Van Den Akker answered 9 months ago

With Edelweiss got and eurowings discovery i got as much as i wanted…

James Haton answered 9 months ago

Air Mauritius leads by example – well done .
How do expect to have alcohol with a nightcap on ? 🤨
Next time ask for a drink first and then a night cap !

If you checked on your armrest ,there’s a button to press – it’s to regulate the dimmed lights… – it goes bright too !

Enjoy your flight and stay in Mauritius 🇲🇺..

Jai Woodit answered 9 months ago

Sounds a sensible idea; party nights should be limited to hotel activities and nights out, i’d think.

Nicola Steer answered 9 months ago

What!??? Rubbish airline didn’t rate them at all

Carolyn Parkinson answered 9 months ago

Can you confirm whether this is business or economy?

David Millward answered 9 months ago

ßave it till you get there, it’ll be worth it !!🍺🍺🍺🍾🍷🤔😄😄 believe me !!

Cheryl Christine Matthews answered 9 months ago

This year I travelled return Perth to Mauritius 🇲🇺 with Air Mauritius found them lexcellent efficient crew and service

Lindy Kondoyiannis answered 9 months ago

Hahaha this is funny happening on Air Mauritius, Mauritians are known for enjoying a good drink or 2 or 3 or 4!🥴
I’m with you- I’d be appalled too, I certainly hope that’s not the case when I next go back to my homeland!

Pamela Jugurnauth answered 9 months ago

Please does anyone of the luggage allowance 23 kg only

Vitus Hoffmann answered 9 months ago

how much did you already have? ^^

Rilana Wouters answered 9 months ago

Oh gosh, glad you survived it 🙄

Aarav Aarav answered 9 months ago

Its not only air mauritius, other airlines also doing the same practice

Julie Horne answered 9 months ago

I found Air Mauritius really good

Jannie Calitz answered 9 months ago

I bet you it’s because some drunkards could not hold their liquor and caused havoc on previous flights and now there is a total ban.

Nick Adams answered 9 months ago

Business class or economy ?

Avi Avikesh answered 9 months ago

First World’s problem right there mate.

Sonia Witkowska answered 9 months ago

Never thought 12hours without alcohol would be a problem to someone. Guess I was wrong and theres many troubled people out there

Kate 'Pinky' Prosser answered 9 months ago

Can’t you possibly do without alcohol for 12 hours? I think you’ll be fine.

Helen Cave answered 9 months ago

Tbh after drunk people keeping me awake on BA I think it sounds like a good idea.

Rajen Ramah answered 9 months ago

Ridiculous…for the amount you are paying..
Better Emirates,free flow,from Campari to Cointreau…they stock and serve without restrictions..

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