QuestionsTransportation-FlightsLooking for a reliable car at a reasonable price with a reputable person/company
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Dear All
I am looking to hire a car to drive in Mauritius for 15 days in January. I am looking for a reliable car at a reasonable price with a reputable person/company. I would appreciate any recommendations.

Ir Fan answered 7 months ago

Irf car rental ltd

Ian Button answered 7 months ago

Euro car

Vishesh Seetah answered 7 months ago


Joey KG answered 7 months ago

Do they offer reliable services? I read that some companies in Mauritius try to charge a lot once the car is returned for small wear and tear.

Anas Moossa answered 7 months ago

You can contact Toloto Rental Services

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    Mauritius' most popular native music and dance style is the Sega music, which traces back its origin to the slave population. The songs are sung in Creole, and while dancing, the dancers never let their feet lose contact with the ground.
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