QuestionsTransportation-FlightsAir Mauritius: Does my 8 year old need to be booked as an unaccompanied minor?
Anonymous asked 4 months ago

Does anyone have experience on this or know a contact at Air Mauritius who could confirm? My sons (8 yr old + 16 yr old) are flying to JHB, just the two of them. My question is: does my 8yr old need to be booked as an unaccompanied minor or will they allow him to just fly with his older brother? NOTE: They are half brothers with different surnames. Anyone know of and specific documents I need to fill in? (Of course I know the usual…birth certificates, permits etc.) Thank you kind people 🙏🏻

Karunika Dasi answered 4 months ago

Are they Mauritian or South African?

Rose Anton-Sattel answered 4 months ago

In our Family 2 half Brothers.

When they flew alone, we gave them a letter of authorisation to accompany his brother.

Mala Boyjonauth answered 4 months ago

16 years not enough to accompany his step brother. It’s my opinion

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