QuestionsTransportation-FlightsDrunk-driving in Mauritius
Anonymous asked 11 months ago

What are the official rules regarding the combination of driving a car and alcohol?

Amanda Ramloll answered 11 months ago

Zero. No drink allowed when driving

Komal Ramnarain answered 11 months ago

Direct Jail

Indira Bond answered 11 months ago

If u want to have drink pls dont drive

Jacqueline Louise answered 11 months ago

Drinking and Driving do nt mix

Shuhaïb Jy answered 11 months ago

Zero tolerance. If you want to drink alchohol you better agree to be a passenger princess.

Prishi Seetaloo answered 11 months ago

I’m sure this applies to every country to not drink and drive

Darren Kuppan-Nolan answered 11 months ago

Is this a serious question?

Rebecca Wise answered 11 months ago

It’s a reasonable question! It’s two units of alcohol in the uk…but looks like zero in Mauritius!

Andy Wailes answered 11 months ago

Why would you want to put yourself and others at risk? Daft question

Kesh Ramsurn answered 11 months ago

Do not drink f you are driving please.
You don’t want to spoil your holidays xx

Christa Vanhecke answered 11 months ago

Thank you for all your concerns. My question came because we want to go to the rhum distillery. We have to know if we can taste. We are not going to partys with a lot of alcohol.

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