QuestionsTransportation-FlightsWhat is the best site to look for cheap flights from UK?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
I’m after some advice / recommendations please. What is the best site to look for cheap flights from
UK flying in July? Also looking to book accommodation privately. It needs to be minimum of 2 beds, near amenities (shops, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes etc…. ) Ideally house/bungalow and as close as to the beach as possible. Thanks in advance.

Mark Russell answered 7 months ago

Try for flights 👍✈️

Paula Four-Bells Stansfield answered 7 months ago

Emirates change at dubia or airfrance n change at charles de galle then Mauritius airlines

Chris Thomas Jones answered 7 months ago

Blue Bay Travel

Neil Wilson answered 7 months ago

Turkish Airlines if you go via Istanbul

Steve Debbie answered 7 months ago

Use Skyscanner as a benchmark then contact Sunset Travel and Imbel Travel.

Raj Tirbooman answered 7 months ago

You might like this 3 bedroom bungalow 15 minutes walk to the beach.

Kirsty Pegram answered 7 months ago

DialAFlight !

Corinna Ozturk answered 7 months ago

BA are very well priced in July and direct from Gatwick

Jarkko Laine answered 7 months ago

Always buy flights staright from airline

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    Mauritius is believed to be the only known habitat of the now extinct flightless Dodo bird. The bird, once present in huge numbers on the island, was flightless owing to a shortage of predators and thus remained safe on the ground. The arrival of humans in the form of sailors saw vast numbers of dodos being killed for their meat. With humans came rodents and primates who destroyed and consumed the dodo's eggs. The entire dodo population was wiped out within a century.
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