QuestionsTransportation-FlightsWondering if it is best to fly direct London – Mauritius with Air Mauritius or via Dubai with Emirates?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago

Hi all 🙂 Wondering if it is best to fly direct London - Mauritius with Air Mauritius or via Dubai with Emirates? How is the service on Air Mauritius? Thanks!

Neil Wilson answered 7 months ago

I prefer to go via Dubai. It give you the chance to stretch your legs. Gets you off your numb bum etc etc

I prefer air mauritius 🇲🇺 one straight flight and you are here

Wendy Woo answered 7 months ago

We went direct with Air Mauritius in October. Was ok going out and service was good but not so much coming home. We wasn’t very comfortable either way but being night flights probably didn’t help .When we go again will probably do the stop in Dubai.

Jess Guppy answered 7 months ago

We stopped in Dubai for a few days & it was lovely ! Then stopped on the way back for a change over! The way back was a long old journey !
I think BA also do a straight flight there x

Lisa Eeles answered 7 months ago

We went BA straight Gatwick to Mauritius could deal with the faff of changing.

Rachel Schoeffer answered 7 months ago

We did direct and will again nect year. People we met dudvthe stop over and found it more tiring and hassle.

Jackie Grier answered 7 months ago

Emirates were really good and stop over was short but gave you a break. It was also cheaper.

Shreya Deborah answered 7 months ago

I would advise emirates. Better flight and service than air Mauritius.

Nick Adams answered 7 months ago

I much prefer direct flights, air Mauritius is fine

Alison Parry answered 7 months ago

I was dreading the 12 hour direct flight but the two night flights with air Mauritius was perfect for us, so relaxing, and two extra days in Mauritius 👌 A few we spoke to that changed found it stressful and tiring as their outbound flight from London was delayed. All ways are great if it all goes to plan 😂👍

Rajen Ramah answered 7 months ago

No comparison, Emirates is definitely worth the experience…

Cheryl Raven answered 7 months ago

Without doubt,fly direct,air mauritius were fine,I even slept for 8 hours on the way home,enjoy your trip x

Carolyn Parkinson answered 7 months ago

We have done the trip via Dubai countless times and via Istanbul twice. This month we went direct with air Mauritius. Admittedly we are BC but it was v good! For first time I slept at least 6 hours straight! Just got fed up with nodding off then having to get off plane and sit around in a lounge so we will definitely do it again. Only complaint is entertainment system dreadful. On a plus it’s a night flight which is great

Gerard Peka answered 7 months ago

Direct flight from Gatwick! As it is a night flight, you can rest before arriving early the next morning! The new air Mauritius planes are quieter and more comfortable too! I fly with the airline every year from Newcastle via Paris and the service is always good!

Coco Lav answered 7 months ago

Je préfère un vol direct. Le vol est déjà long alors ajouter des heures d’escale c’est juste impossible pour moi ! Jamais eu de souci avec air Mauritius

Helene Cook answered 7 months ago

We went via Dubai with Emirates from Gatwick. The service was superb.

Rachel Ann answered 7 months ago

We did both and honestly BA were crap!

Fiona Haslett answered 7 months ago

My husband was gutted that we flew direct with BA if we had gone via dubai we would have got to fly on a A380

Nigel Freeman answered 7 months ago

Got to go direct, excellent service on air Mauritius.

Dave Ellis answered 7 months ago

Direct with BA for the last few years, all very good

Luna LM answered 7 months ago

Dubai Emirates

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