QuestionsTransportation-FlightsLost luggage; please help!
Anonymous asked 8 months ago

Hi I arrived Monday with all 3 of my families luggage missing..after numerous calls they delivered 3 bags last night of which two were ours and one wasn't..air mauritius are saying I need to take the bag back to the airport and check for mine..a trip to the airport is 100 dollars and now we are going to day 4 of having no clothes etc..does anyone know of anyone that can help as the hotel has been unfruitful and so has the airlines phones have gone's very frustrating as I don't know anyone...

Kevin Bheem answered 8 months ago

You wont lose your should have waited at the airport until u get it. You will get them

Yogeeta Maherchand answered 8 months ago

If you had a layover, call the Airline which serve the first leg of your journey. Sometimes, the luggage is left at the transit site and not scanned and loaded to the next plane ( mostly happens with rerouting trips or changing flight at the last minute). Air MRU will
not be able to track in that case if luggage is not scanned and loaded on the flight. Not much help with them contacting the other airline also. You might be better off if you do it directly

Mag Dallimore answered 8 months ago

That’s absolutely awful! I would definitely complain! Not very good advert for air Mauritius! Hope you get it sorted.

Marieline Desvaux answered 8 months ago

See at the reception search for the hr or the manager of your hotel they will surely help

David McDonald answered 8 months ago

There’s a charity shop in Tamarin, they can probably tide you over.

Ganessen Vythilingum answered 8 months ago

Hello try Airport police +2306374553. Might be they can help and guide you too.. Which part of Mauritius are you??

Anonymous participant answered 8 months ago

air mauritius I am still’s day have not responded to any email I have sent nor answered your calls..please please do respond and let me know where my bag is

Rosie Beuel answered 8 months ago

Air Mauritius is responsible for your lost luggage. Can you work out, what the bag tag number of the last missing piece is? You’ll find the bag receipts usually on you booking receipt or a small bag receipt. Did you get a reference number for your lost luggage report and a phone number to call? Call them, report the 3rd piece still missing and tell them, that they delivered a bag of someone else, who is as well still waiting for his/her bag. They need to deliver your nag to your hotel and take the wrong one back. Not your fault. Usually after 3 days you have entitlements for money to replace missing items…

Tracey Evangelista answered 8 months ago

Trip to the airport is $100

Speedy Travels & Tours answered 8 months ago

Hello. We can try to help. Whatsapp your details on +23054906775.

Akshay Sobrun answered 8 months ago

U will received your lugagge from next flight they will be delivered at the hotel reception by a company name “celero”.

Archi Bald answered 8 months ago

Welcome to Mauritius and the Mauritian way of life.

Connie Alexander answered 8 months ago

Delayed flights, luggage lost, not enough staff? What is next Air Mauritius?

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