QuestionsTransportation-FlightsDo you think I need to hire a car when in Mauritius?
Anonymous asked 7 months ago
Hi we're arriving in march for 2 weeks thinking of hiring a car to see the island how many days do you think I need to hire please never been to Mauritius before and answers I will be grateful thanks

Bakker Harry answered 7 months ago

Both times we went we did a week And it whas so handy it whas to short, al depends on budget

Gertrude Allet Perrine answered 7 months ago

1 week use a car I week use the Bus
It depends where you want to visit

Karen Pulford answered 7 months ago

We had a car for 5 days and visited North South and in between.

Leckraj Poran answered 7 months ago

Car View Rental

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