QuestionsTransportation-FlightsHow long would it take to get from Belle Mare to La Gaulette?
Anonymous asked 8 months ago
How long would it take to get from Belle Mare to La Gaulette?

Vasco-nuno Ribeiro answered 8 months ago

Google Maps rulezzzzzzzzzzzz…

Jo Robert answered 8 months ago

Depending on how fast the person driving drives, don’t forget Google map works wonders in Mauritius and I am not even in MU right now!

Dylan Mannick answered 8 months ago

1h45mins approx

You can use WAZE app, updates as you’re driving so if there’s traffic it’s going to propose other routes (unlike Google maps it won’t send you to a dead end)

Caro Mau answered 8 months ago

1h30 approximately by car, maximum. All depends on traffic

Rajiv Gunputh answered 8 months ago

Do be honest 2 hours

Aktaar Mohammad answered 8 months ago

around 2 hours

Bruno Labonne answered 8 months ago

1hrs40mins early morning

Long Beach Mauritius Taxi Service answered 8 months ago

Approximately 2 hours

Akshay Mungul answered 8 months ago

1 week in good weather conditions. 2 hours by plane.

Patrick Louise answered 8 months ago

Would. Say no more then 2 hours depend if going in rush hour will add to time

Claude Yuan answered 8 months ago

2 hrs

R3 car rental mauritius answered 8 months ago

2 hours approximately.

MyMagical Moments answered 8 months ago

Now it depends who is driving also

Sanjay Gyah answered 8 months ago

1 hour 45 minutes

An hour and half as long as no traffic, a bit longer in traffic

Amish Ramsohok answered 8 months ago

2 hour

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