QuestionsTransportation-FlightsHow much are flights from/to Mauritius and Cape Town?
lredditlilr1 asked 10 months ago

As a Mauritian student going to South Africa next year, I intend to make multiple trips back to Mauritius for a few days and then return, citing personal reasons for this decision. Consequently, I need to plan ahead for the associated expenses. Has anyone else done this or have any idea of how much it might cost approximately?

MuddyGus answered 10 months ago

We just booked flights from Cape Town to Mauritius. Return flights varied between 13000 zar – 18000 zar (economy). Flights are also via Johannesburg with no weekend flights. Good luck OP, where will you be studying?

I’m from Cape Town. DM if you need some advice. 💪

verter04 answered 10 months ago

If you want to get an idea of how much a flight costs, I would suggest that you use a website like Skyscanner. It is really useful.

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    The national drink is rum, as Mauritius has a number of working rum factories. The local specialities include vanilla, coffee, coconut, and even chilli-flavoured rum.
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