QuestionsTransportation-FlightsRenting a car in Mauritius gone wrong
Either-Target-5162 asked 7 months ago

We (my family) are currently vacationing in Mauritius for 2 weeks, my dad rented a Toyota and so far we've only driven it for about 30 minutes when suddenly the review mirror pops off, as in my dad didn't hit anyone or scrape the side of the car but (we think) the adhesive got loose due to the heat and just fell off . This would be an easy thing to prove to the car rental company however as luck would have it were were driving on the freeway when it fell and couldn't go back to retrieve it What would you say to the car rental guys because I highly doubt they're going to want to believe that their review mirror was getting loose and are probably going to charge a ton seeing as we don't have it with us and they'll have to replace it?

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    Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, also referred to as Chacha is to Mauritians what Mahatma Gandhi is to Indians. He played a vital role in Mauritius' freedom struggle. He also established free education, health care service, social security and introduced the old age pension. He is often referred to as Father of the nation.
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