The debates surrounding the motion of the former Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS), Rajanah Dhaliah, aged 59, are scheduled for June 6, 2024 before the Port-Louis court. Through his lawyers, Messrs Ravi Rutnah and Imtihaz Mamoojee, he is demanding the removal of the provisional accusation of influence peddling against him. The reasons given by his lawyers are that the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC) does not have reasonable suspicion and sufficient evidence against their client to uphold this provisional charge. Additionally, they highlighted the FCC's delay in completing the investigation, which violates their client's constitutional rights under Article 10 of the Constitution. They also add that this affair causes enormous damage to their client on a political, social and private level.

FCC Senior Investigator Seewooduth yesterday, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, objected to the motion of former PPS Rajanah Dhaliah. Magistrate Shavina Jugnauth thus set the debates for June 6.

As a reminder, on August 31, 2023 Rajanah Dhaliah was arrested and provisionally charged with influence peddling before the Port-Louis court. This resident of Terre-Rouge is accused by the FCC of having requested a sum of Rs 4 million from a man named Ajay Kumar Jeetoo in order to use his influence to facilitate a lease to “The Eco Deer Park Association” from the Ministry of Agriculture. Agro-industry for the granting of land in Grand-Bassin. This offense was committed in August 2020 at Citadel Hall, Port-Louis.

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