“Mauritians must feel freedom to be able to truly experience it.” This is what Navin Ramgoolam declared during the congress-forum-debate on democracy and meritocracy, organized by the PTr-MMM-ND alliance at the Vacoas-Phoenix Town Hall, this Friday evening.

According to the Red leader, “our freedom, way of life and democracy are in danger”. He insisted on the importance for Mauritians to mobilize for the “crucial legislative elections” this year, because tomorrow will be too late. He also warned that if the people remain silent, the dictatorship will strengthen.

Navin Ramgoolam urged national unity to save democracy and freedom. During his speech, he stressed the importance of democracy, freedom and human rights beyond economic measures. “Our democracy has become an autocracy, even a 'rogue…cracy'”, he insisted, affirming that we are “currently experiencing a simulacrum of democracy”.

“To restore true democracy,” Ramgoolam believes that free and fair elections are essential. In reference to the 20 measures he announced on May 1, he reiterated the commitment of the PTr-MMM-ND alliance for the abolition of the Rs 150 fee at the MBC, judicial and police reforms based on meritocracy. He also insisted on the independence of the Police Commissioner and the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) as well as the creation of a constitutional and other appointments authority, as in Seychelles.

Criticizing the current parliamentary debates which he describes as a “circus”, Navin Ramgoolam called for civilized debates and not personal attacks. He also discussed the powers of the President of the Republic, the importance of an anti-defector law, the Equal Opportunities Commission so that every Mauritian has equal opportunities and the law on freedom of information, among others. In conclusion, he affirmed that democracy is essential to preserve our freedom.

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