The preliminary investigation by the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC) into New Democrats MP Richard Duval was commented on by Navin Ramgoolam this Wednesday, June 5. It was during a press briefing hosted by the leader of the Labor Party (PTr) at the end of the Red Political Bureau, held this afternoon in Ebène.

“From 2006 until today, there was nothing against Richard Duval. In 2024, when the latter joined our alliance, 18 years later, an investigation was opened against him. I said at the beginning that the FCC is not an independent institution. Did she investigate the Stag Party or the drugs seized from a backhoe loader in 2019? Tou seki governman fer, li pa pou fer li. “We can't do anything about it,” says Navin Ramgoolam.

“After my information, I found it difficult to know, and Xavier-Luc Duval said that he was 'targeting Richard Duval' and that it was all 'jo'. So let's destroy Richard Duval. Mo sagrin kan mo tan sa. Mo pa konn Xavier kumsa mwa. Mo pa konn li kuma enn dimoun mechan. I hope he doesn't. Seki monn tande, mo pe dir,” the PTr leader was to declare.

The former Prime Minister returned to the last presentation of this government's Budget before the general elections. “It will be a 'la bous dou' Budget. There is this thing: there is no such thing as free lunch. It does not exist. I would like to see measures announced against inflation, measures to slow down the fall of the rupee among others. We have had three Finance Ministers since 2014. Instead of an 'economic miracle' we had an 'economic mirage',” underlines Navin Ramgoolam.

The leader of the reds took aim at the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth. “Mo finds Pravind Jugnauth pe koz mafia. It's the world upside down. (…) Pravind Jugnauth’s method: if you do it, you can do it without opposing,” says Navin Ramgoolam. The question is very simple, he asks himself, “are there fewer drugs or more drugs in the country today than 10 years ago?” Has drug crime increased or decreased? “.

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