“Paul Bérenger responded the other day: if anything were to happen to me, it’s the Labour Party that ‘is able to lead any government’. That’s what the leader of the PTr confirmed during a press conference on Friday, following the meeting of the party’s political bureau and executive members.

Regarding the rumors surrounding the composition of a potential PTr-MMM-PMSD government’s Front Bench, including Navin Ramgoolam, Paul Bérenger, Xavier-Luc Duval, and Shakeel Mohamed, the leader of the party emphasized that one must first be elected to decide on these matters.

Navin Ramgoolam also expressed his viewpoint on retired police officers being recruited at the Passport and Immigration Office under the control of Prime Minister’s Office. For him, this action is not a coincidence. ‘We will monitor and observe what happens,’ he said, recalling that their objective remains to remove this MSM government from power.

To put an end to corruption, Navin Ramgoolam believes that it requires a strong government with a Prime Minister willing to punish crimes. He then expressed his discontentment with regards to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), calling it disgraceful. According to him, FIU is a crucial institution for foreign investments in our country. He believes that its Chief has gone astray. He also declared that PTr will not accept any power being taken away from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Regarding MSM’s ministerial reshuffle, Navin Ramgoolam questions ‘why Manish Gobin has not been sanctioned’. According to him, an Attorney General should solely occupy this position and not hold any ministerial portfolio because their role is to provide independent advice to the government. He subsequently emphasized that there aren’t many constitutional law experts in Mauritius. Navin Ramgoolam pleaded for a radical reform of the system by granting complete independence to institutions for key appointments.

According to the leader of PTr, the discussions during the political bureau meeting revolved around the electoral program and the selection of speakers for an upcoming meeting scheduled for 17:00 in Flacq on Friday, September 22. He mentioned that a commemoration is also planned at 10:30 am this Sunday, September 17, at SSR’s Samadhi in Pamplemousses.”

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