Representatives of Ruisseau du Pouce hawkers, accompanied by their lawyer, Nabiil Kaufid, met Lord Mayor Issop Nujuraully and other officers on Wednesday. On the agenda: the rehousing of street vendors, with the aim of finding an amicable solution.

The merchants voiced their grievances. “We had a very cordial first meeting. The goal is to find an amicable solution so that everyone wins. We are heading in the right direction. I am convinced that the result will be positive,” explains Me Kaufid.

He specified that while waiting to find common ground on rehousing, for the moment, merchants are authorized to continue their activities at Ruisseau du Pouce. “The hawkers’ appeal will be heard on June 17. In the meantime, there is a 'Stay of Execution Order' in effect. They will be able to continue to operate at Ruisseau du Pouce,” continues the lawyer.

Me Kaufid adds that other meetings are planned, because both parties want to resolve this dispute. “We are working together to find a solution that will lead to an 'amicable settlement' between the two parties,” concludes the lawyer.

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