The Budget speech, scheduled for Friday June 7, takes on increased political importance in the current electoral context. Despite this, on the side of the parliamentary opposition, it is clear that it does not intend to let the government act without opposition.

The Grand Oral of the Minister of Finance, Renganaden Padayachy, undoubtedly constitutes the major asset on which the government is banking in view of the next general elections. Members of the government, including Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, no longer hide this strategy.

Asked last Thursday in Rose-Belle about the possibility of the exercise being qualified as a “labous dou budget”, Pravind Jugnauth made ironic comments about this idea, affirming that the government cannot afford to present to the population a “labous” budget. bitter “. During his recent speeches at the Sun Trust, the Prime Minister made it clear that the Budget will include key social measures.

In the Prime Minister's entourage, several collaborators recognize that the population had high expectations regarding Pravind Jugnauth's speech on May 1, and that these expectations were not fully met. Aware of this feeling, they affirm that the Padayachy/Jugnauth tandem deliberately chose to keep its announcements for later, while the opposition, on the other hand, wanted to give everything on May 1 with the announcement of its 20 flagship measures. . Thus, in the government, the impression is that the opposition no longer has a trump card to play, making this budget a golden opportunity for the MSM in view of the next general elections.

The question that arises is whether these budgetary measures will really be effective in allowing the MSM to believe in its ability to make a difference in the next elections. On the side of the government and its close collaborators, there is boundless enthusiasm. The most discussed measures concern the salary increases which should be announced for all workers in the country, with a salary increase estimated between 7% and 10%.

Several government sources say that with the next budget, employees should benefit from an increase of at least Rs 1,000. This palpable anticipation, according to several political observers, testifies to a new energy within the government, which sees in These measures provide the opportunity to score decisive points in view of the upcoming elections.

“It is also crucial to emphasize that over the past five years, a constant within government has been its ability to turn the tide, no matter the difficulties and scandals it may face. This capacity was manifested by the regular proposal of social measures aimed at increasing the purchasing power of the population. Indeed, this constitutes an essential pillar of the MSM's balance sheet,” points out a person close to the Government House. Another source agrees, affirming that despite obstacles and criticism, the government has maintained a clear guideline: the implementation of policies and programs that meet the real needs of Mauritians.

“Whether through salary increases, subsidies for basic needs, or other social initiatives, the goal has always been to support citizens and provide them with better access to essential resources. This strategy helped strengthen public confidence in government action, even in the most difficult times. By offering concrete solutions to the daily concerns of Mauritians,” adds another source.

14th month salary

The payment of a 14th month to all Mauritians is also a proposal widely mentioned in the next budget of the Grand Treasurer. It should be noted that both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Labor have stressed that if public finances allow, the government would be in favor of granting such an advantage to employees.

However, it is also crucial to consider the financial and budgetary implications of such a measure, in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of public finances. “The idea of ​​a 14th month salary could not only help stimulate the economy by injecting more money into the system, but it would also demonstrate the government's commitment to the working class,” says we at the Sun Trust level.

It is relevant to add that it was the leader of the Mauritian Social Democratic Party (PMSD), Xavier-Luc Duval, who, for the first time, raised in Parliament the idea of ​​paying a 14th month to all Mauritians.

As several indications suggest that the PMSD will sooner or later end up allying with the MSM, the possibility of paying a 14th month of salary at the end of the year seems very real. This convergence of opinions between the two parties reinforces the credibility of this proposal and suggests a potential unification of efforts to make it a reality.

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