The Ministry of Social Security paid the old age pension to 266,402 senior citizens of the Republic of Mauritius, including 5,961 Rodriguais on Monday May 13, 2024. The pension includes the increase announced by the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth.

Among these beneficiaries, there are more than 5,000 nonagenarians (4,924 Mauritians and 127 Rodrigues) who each receive a pension of Rs 21,210. There is a notable fact in the world today: people are living longer and better health. According to international reports, the increase in human longevity is a real success story. This is thanks to improved hygiene and therapies, access to education, family planning, progress towards gender equality and women's empowerment. And in Mauritius, according to the testimonies of the families of centenarians, the longevity of the latter is also due to the constant presence of the family. Healthy eating in their youth and their unshakeable faith would also contribute.


Since April 2024, all social benefits, including disability pensions and those paid to widows and orphans, have also been increased. All Mauritian citizens aged over 60 are eligible for retirement pension, provided they have resided in the country for twelve years since the age of 18. This residency requirement is not necessary for Mauritian citizens aged 70 and over. Non-citizens who have resided in the country for at least 15 years since the age of 40 can also benefit from the transfer (three of these fifteen years must immediately precede the request).

Care allowance

Basic pension recipients with a disability level of not less than 60% and who require the constant care and attention of another person receive an allowance. The State also offers a Carer's Allowance for recipients of a basic retirement pension who are at least 60% disabled and require constant care and attention. of another person.

1.6 billion in 2050

In 2020, the number of people aged 60 and over exceeded that of children under 5. According to the United Nations (UN), the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to double over the next three decades, reaching 1.6 billion in 2050. This phenomenon is due, among other things, to medical advances which have increased life expectancy, as well as a decline in fertility. The WHO predicts that 80% of older people will live in low- and middle-income countries in 2050.

In its 2023 World Social Report, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs calls population aging “the defining global trend of our time”. He adds that it presents many challenges for countries to effectively meet the needs of growing numbers of older people.

Healthy aging

Policies to promote healthy ageing, prevent poverty and promote employment and decent work opportunities before people reach old age are essential.

They strengthen economic security and reduce inequalities among older people. In the eyes of Vinod Dookhit, District Representative of the senior associations of Lower Plaines Wilhems within the Senior Citizens Council, we must take advantage of the skills, expertise and knowledge of older people. They contribute to conveying the positive values ​​of Mauritian society.

“We are undoubtedly the last generation of Mauritians who have been able to keep these values ​​alive. I don't know what the person who will be retired in 30 or 40 years and who has lived in the age of social media and without real human connections will be like. There are many professionals in the medical field, including doctors and nurses, but also former teachers, electricians, plumbers, etc. who can still pass on the basics of their respective professions,” he observes.

Demographic transition

According to the UN, population aging is an inevitable result of the demographic transition towards longer lives and smaller families. While the shift towards older populations is largely irreversible, it is collective actions and political decisions that determine its trajectory and consequences.

Delaying essential measures enabling societies to benefit from and adapt to population aging would result in high social, economic, fiscal and health costs, both for current and future generations.

On the other hand, with foresight and proper planning, governments can manage the challenges of an aging population. They can improve opportunities for all by ensuring that no one is left behind.

The oldest people in the world: which countries?

According to the United Nations Population Division report, Asia is at the forefront of this trend: Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan are expected to have the largest number of people aged 65 and more by 2050. While Japan, famous for its elderly population, currently tops the list, other Asian countries are also seeing their populations age significantly as life expectancy has increased. rapidly improved in recent decades. By 2050, around 40% of the populations of Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan are expected to be aged 65 and over. This represents a huge difference from the levels currently observed in highly developed regions, where the proportion of elderly people is around 20%.

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