Shakeel Mohamed wanted to denounce a senior executive from the DPP office to the Chief Judge. It was during his last press conference as opposition leader.

The name of a senior official in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) was reported by Shakeel Mohamed to the office of the chief judge, Bibi Rehana Mungly-Gulbul. “I asked the chief judge, with all due respect, before resigning, why no investigation was initiated. Is it a new trend to do politics with the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) in addition to being a 'public officer'? If so, I have no problem. If not, I ask the chief judge to investigate, and if there has been no investigation, for her to explain to me why,” declared the Labor Party MP. Shakeel Mohamed spoke to the press on Monday, June 3, in Port Louis to announce his resignation as opposition leader.

The red MP recalls that a senior executive in the DPP office must have total independence. According to him, the latter was seen with MSM ministers during an activity “where food was distributed. It’s a political action, it’s not social.”

Also referring to a high-profile trial, Shakeel Mohamed will say: “I understand [sa] passion in [cette] matter when it was necessary to defend the interests of the government. This concerns me. »

Shakeel Mohamed also commented on the judgment rendered in the “Constituency Clerk” case, where the former Minister of Commerce was prosecuted on two counts. He points out that the judiciary gave the benefit of the doubt to Yogida Sawmynaden. “The accused was entitled to the benefit of the doubt, which means that he possibly also committed an offense,” specifies the deputy for Port-Louis Maritime/Port-Louis Est (n°3). In legal practice, when there is any remaining doubt, it must be construed against the accused, he said.

The Labor MP scratches the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, who had affirmed that the judgment rendered in favor of Yogida Sawmynaden was a great victory. According to Shakeel Mohamed, “Pravind Jugnauth has very low standards when it comes to honesty.”

Yesterday afternoon, following the resignation of Shakeel Mohamed, the office of the presidency officially appointed Arvin Boolell as opposition leader.

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