Reza Uteem lamented the rise in prices, saying he was disappointed with the 2024-25 Budget as he expected measures to combat inflation. “The expectation of measures aimed at combating the cost of living was high. But the 2024-25 Budget does not include any measures aimed at lowering prices. 65% of households in the country have difficulty meeting their expenses. The trend shows that food prices will continue to rise… Even those in the middle class are struggling to make ends meet,” insisted the MMM MP.

Another point he raised: drug prices. According to him, there is a “mafia” operating in the pharmaceutical sector. The MP for constituency no. 2 (Port-Louis South/Port-Louis center) then urged the government to introduce parallel importation and implement the recommendations of the Competition Commission.

Reza Uteem addressed fuel prices which, according to him, are “too high in Mauritius due to the tax imposed”. The government, continues Reza Uteem, taxes fuels by more than 40%. According to the MMM MP, the 2024-25 Budget is inflationary and prices will only rise. “Our debt ratio is too high,” he said.

He then deplored the fact that the Budget did not mention any measures for the “self-employed”.

“How can we know if they will receive the guaranteed minimum income of Rs 20,000 when they do not even benefit from the CSG Allowance of Rs 3,000,” he pointed out.

Reza Uteem also pleaded for people whose homes were damaged following the passage of Cyclone Belal in January. He asked the government to compensate the families affected by this natural calamity.

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