On the evening of Thursday February 2, 2024, a peaceful night was brutally interrupted for the 37-year-old director of a multimedia company, victim of a burglary followed by a violent theft at his home in Les Salines Pilot, Rivière -Black.

In the early morning of this Friday, the Rivière-Noire police responded to the director's request for assistance. On site, he said that around 1:00 a.m., while he was working on his laptop, three hooded individuals armed with sabers entered his residence by forcing an aluminum door at the back. The criminals stole several pieces of jewelry and a sum of 300 euros.

Then, they forced him to drive them to the La Gaulette automatic teller machine (ATM) in his vehicle, where under threat, he withdrew a sum of Rs 10,000. They then took him to another MCB ATM located in Ruisseau Créole, where he made a withdrawal of Rs 10,000.

The director indicates that he suffered violence during his fight against one of the criminals. Currently, he is experiencing pain and receiving treatment in a clinic.

The police, the Rivière-Noire CID, the SOCO (Scene of Crime Office), and a police sniffer dog intervened to examine the scene and find possible clues. The director's residence does not have surveillance cameras (CCTV), and there are no security cameras in the surrounding area.

The police are actively investigating this case of violent robbery, doing everything they can to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of this attack.

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