Deadly Sunday on our roads. In addition to the hit-and-run which cost the life of a fifty-year-old in the morning, two men lost their lives in the evening within four hours in two other separate accidents: Arjoon Jeeneea, a 56-year-old chef , and Seeven Anthoneemootoo, a 45-year-old mason.

The fifty-year-old dies a month after his father

On rue Trou-aux-Biches, in Triolet, those close to Arjoon Jeeneea are devastated. Their pain is all the greater as this is the second death the family has experienced in barely a month. “29 days ago, we buried his father, who died of illness. Today we attended his funeral. It’s very hard,” says Aartee, a relative who came to attend the funeral on Monday.

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It was around 3:40 p.m. that Arjoon Jeeneea was the victim of this terrible accident. Chef in a restaurant in the North, the resident of Triolet was returning home when misfortune struck. He left the road on Branch Road in Fond-du-Sac. According to initial indications from the police, he hit a tree on the side of the road before ending his course against an electrical pole.

Alerted, the Plaine-des-Papayes police and an ambulance were dispatched to the scene. Seriously injured, he was transported to the SSRN hospital in Pamplemousses. But around 5 p.m., he breathed his last. The autopsy performed the same day by Dr. Maxwell Monvoisin, forensic pathologist, concluded that he died from his multiple injuries. The funeral took place Monday afternoon. He leaves behind his wife and two daughters devastated by his sudden disappearance.

The forty-year-old hit while going to pick up his wife

It was on the main road to Alma, near Quartier-Militaire, that Seeven Anthoneemootoo, 45, was struck down by a van while he was on his bicycle. This happened around 7:15 p.m. The resident of Bonne-Veine died from his injuries on the spot.

Marie, his wife, was at her sister's house. The forty-year-old, affectionately nicknamed “Poutang”, got on his bicycle to join her. “I was impatiently awaiting his arrival, but instead of seeing him, I received a phone call informing me that he had been the victim of a terrible accident,” she recounts with a heavy heart.

The relatives immediately went to the police station. “We then learned that a van was coming at high speed. She overtook several vehicles and was unable to stop. She dragged Seeven for several meters before throwing him into a gutter,” says a family member.

An ambulance was dispatched to the scene. Emergency workers found that the cyclist had already died. An autopsy was performed Monday afternoon. She revealed that he succumbed to his injuries. His funeral is planned for this Tuesday morning in Bonne-Veine.

A mixture of anger and sadness animates the family. “He had no children, but to us he was a father, an uncle, a husband, a caring son and a wonderful person. He was a mason. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him,” says his niece Dorellie in tears. She thirsts for justice. “The person who was behind the wheel must realize that they took a life and that an entire family is suffering. Seeven's mother, who is elderly, witnesses the sudden disappearance of a son. I want justice to be done to him,” she said in tears.

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