“But it ends up being rekonpanse,” underlines Noemi Alphonse. She was rewarded for her performance during the World Cup in Kobe by the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, this Thursday, May 30. She received a check for Rs 2.5 million during a ceremony which took place at the Prime Minister's Office this afternoon. Another athlete, Anaïs Angeline, was also rewarded. She received a check for one million rupees.

“My sport is my livelihood. I live through sport. Ena the future in sport. Zis bizin donnn depenn”, shares Noemi Alphonse. Watch his speech at the end of this award ceremony in the attached video.

Remember that Noemi Alphonse won the title of world champion in the 100m in the T54 category on Wednesday, at the Kobe Universiade Memorial Stadium, in Japan, on May 22. The para-athlete thus becomes the first Mauritian sportswoman to achieve such a feat.

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