According to the Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) which covers the period from July 2024 to June 2027, if the government alliance is re-elected at the head of the country, it plans to inject Rs 54.7 billion into projects at the level of transport companies. State.

The largest part of this money will then go to the Central Electricity Board which will need a budget of Rs 18.3 billion for its various investment projects, followed by the Metro Express in which the government intends to inject Rs 11.4 billion. For the metro, the money will mainly be used to finance the extension of the Réduit network towards St-Pierre and Côte d'or. This phase alone requires a budget of Rs 6.9 billion. New Social Living Development Ltd, the company which is leading the construction project of 12,000 social housing units revised to 8,000, will need Rs 6.9 billion under the PSIP, while the National Housing Development Co. Ltd (NHDC) will require Rs 2 billion. The total cost of constructing the 8,000 social housing units is however estimated at Rs 22 billion. Two-thirds of this amount, or Rs 14.7 billion, is funded as a contribution to the NSLD. The remaining third, or Rs 7.3 billion, will be financed by potential beneficiaries. The first batch of housing would be completed by August 2024. Delivery of the remaining housing will be staggered over the period from September 2024 to September 2025.



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