The 17 street vendors operating at Ruisseau du Pouce will be relocated to the New Transportation Fair (Immigration) in Port-Louis.

An agreement was reached between the town hall of Port-Louis and the merchants before the Supreme Court, this Tuesday, May 28.

Thus, structures will be set up to accommodate the 17 merchants.

The latter will be able to continue operating at Ruisseau du Pouce until August 31, 2024 according to their lawyer, Nabil Kaufid.

The demolition of the structures at Ruisseau du Pouce is a decision that emanates from the report of the Fact-Finding Committee chaired by former judge Bhushan Domah made public in 2008. This, following the deadly floods which took place in March of the same year . This report also recommended the demolition of the Air Mauritius and Rogers parking lots, which are also located on Ruisseau du Pouce, and the KFC de La Chaussée, which was built on another stream.

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