The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Piton is currently conducting an investigation after an arson attack which destroyed 3.2 tonnes of sandalwood, with an estimated value of Rs 1.2 million, in October 2022. This Sunday, May 26, a A 36-year-old man residing in Goodlands was arrested by officers of Superintendent of Police (SP) Buchoo. The suspect, during his interrogation, denied any involvement. A search of his home revealed no incriminating items, and after investigation he was released.

Sandalwood is a valuable raw material used mainly for export and in religious rites. According to the complainant, a 27-year-old man living near the site of the incident in L'Espérance Trébuchet, the wood was stored on a two-acre plot of land housing a lychee orchard. He stated that he had collected this wood with the intention of cleaning and treating it, but found the two piles of wood burned to ashes within a few days of putting them together.

The Goodlands CID is actively continuing its investigations to identify and arrest the person(s) responsible for this arson. The complainant provided police with a name, which could guide the next steps in the investigation.

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