Seeven Anthoneemootoo, 46, tragically lost his life on Sunday June 2, 2024, after being hit by a van in Alma. This mason, appreciated by everyone in his Quartier-Militaire neighborhood and known for his good humor, leaves a big void in the hearts of his family.

An entire family's world collapsed. Seeven Anthoneemootoo, the 46-year-old man who died on the road in Alma on the evening of Sunday June 2, 2024, leaves a huge void in the lives of his family. That day, he had spent the day with his loved ones.

His niece Dorellie remembers a strange conversation, to say the least, that the forty-year-old had with his mother (therefore the young woman's grandmother; Editor's note) that day, shortly before he left the house to go get his wife. “Linn dir mo granmer: 'Ma pe ale la… demin to pou vinn mo lamor'. Mo granmer inn dir li no. Taler to pou revini la',” remembers her niece.

He then got on his bicycle to join his wife Marie who had gone to her sister's house in the locality. The young woman is not only inconsolable but also and above all in shock, because it was on the way, when he was coming to pick her up, that he was the victim of the accident. “I waited for him to come, but he never came. Then my phone rang. It was my niece who told me that he had had a serious accident,” confides Marie.

A van violently hit the forty-year-old who was on a bicycle. “There is no light on this road to Alma. Not to mention the fact that the van involved overtook three other vehicles before hitting my uncle,” explains Dorellie, indignant. “Li ti dir li pe al sers so madam, me se so kadav ki rantre,” she blurted, with a bruised heart.

All that remains for them today is the memory of a good and jovial man. “He always had a smile. His good humor was contagious,” recalls Dorellie. The resident of Quartier-Militaire, affectionately nicknamed Putang, was a mason.

“As soon as he was on his way, you could hear him coming. He was passionate about music. He sang and it brought comfort to our hearts,” she continues, with tears in her eyes. “Everyone knew him in the neighborhood,” she emphasizes.

Seeven Anthoneemootoo is described as a quiet man who loved being surrounded by his family. “Every day, they spent time with his mother,” explains his niece. At his age, he could still count on her. “Every morning, he asked her for tea,” adds his niece. Tuesday morning, many people attended the funeral to pay their last respects to the forty-year-old.

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