Hunted by the Anti-Drug & Smuggling Unit in March 2023, brothers Kenny and Kendji Morvant, from Baie-du-Tombeau, left Mauritius to settle in the Big Island (Madagascar). On site, this duo is suspected of pulling the strings of drug trafficking between the Madagascar-Mauritius axis. With the opening of a major investigation by the Malagasy police, these two brothers as well as a third Mauritian, Avoola Oddy, fell into the clutches of the criminal research section (SRC) of Antananarivo. The results are significant: 10 kilos of skunk (a variety of cannabis) were seized.

This investigation begins after Malagasy police investigators became aware of significant drug trafficking between Toamasina and Antananarivo on the Big Island. Last Wednesday, May 15, the Malagasy police, based on precise information, deployed their bloodhounds on the National Road (RN 2). Juvento Nafompona, a Malagasy, was intercepted in a car. But no traces of drugs were found in the vehicle. However, investigators had information that this individual would be a strong link in a drug case. Immediately, his house located in Toamasina, on the east coast of Madagascar, was searched. During this exercise, 9,822 kilos of skunk were found stored in the house of Juvento Nafompona.

Subsequently, three Mauritian nationals, the brothers Kenny and Kendji Morvant and their accomplice, another Mauritian, Avoola Oddy, were arrested. Having collected evidence considered overwhelming, the Malagasy police directed their investigations towards international drug trafficking between the Madagascar-Mauritius axis. Investigators from the Antananarivo criminal research section suspect that this drug shipment was going to be transported to Mauritius by sea. Following this discovery, the three Mauritians were incarcerated in the Tsiafahy prison for the offense of trafficking in hard drugs.

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