Muhammad Waseem Soubraty had been in the sights of the Anti-Drug & Smuggling Unit (Adsu) of Saint-Pierre for some time. He was suspected of being involved in drug trafficking. On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 4, police officers led by Inspector Luckmun under the supervision of Chief Inspector Moosun intercepted a car on the highway at the entrance leading to the Tribecca shopping center. Muhammad Waseem Soubraty, 30, a police officer assigned to the Floréal police station, and Vidish B., 22, were in the car. Muhammad Waseem Soubraty was searched and found to be in possession of a dose of heroin. Vidish B. was also in possession of a dose of heroin.

Bullets and drugs were found at the police officer's home.

Subsequently, the police officer's home on Parasol Avenue, in Mont-Fertile, in New Grove, was searched. Adsu discovered three bullets of caliber 9 millimeters, 7.62 millimeters, 12 millimeters as well as nine empty cartridges. The police also found seven packages bearing traces of heroin.

The police officer who has ten years of service was arrested. He is at the Moka detention center. On Wednesday June 5, he responded to two provisional charges: “unlawful possession of ammunition” and “possession of heroin” before the Rose-Hill court.

The police officer will be banned from duty and remains in detention. This Thursday, he will be questioned by Adsu investigators about the origin of the bullets. This investigation will be closely monitored by the Central Barracks, because investigators want to determine whether these cartridges are the property of the police force.

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