The PTr/MMM/PMSD alliance commemorated the 189th anniversary of the Abolition of slavery on Thursday February 1, 2024 in Mahébourg. During his intervention, Navin Ramgoolam warned Pravind Jugnauth, threatening to reveal compromising files for him. Various current topics were also discussed. The leaders of the alliance stressed the importance of the duty to remember.

This year's parliamentary opposition political protests kicked off on Thursday, February 1, 2024, as part of the commemoration of the Abolition of Slavery in Mauritius. And it was in Mahébourg that the alliance, made up of the Labor Party (PTr), the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) and the Mauritian Social Democratic Party (PMSD), commemorated the memory of the slaves. Navin Ramgoolam devoted a large part of his speech to their fight and the inhumane conditions that had been imposed on them.

But he also, but above all, issued a severe warning against his direct opponent, Pravind Jugnauth. “Taler to pou konn bannn dosie nou pou tire lor twa. Kontign rode…” he told her. The leader of the PTr dwelt at length on the efforts made by his government from 2005 to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to have the Morne mountain included on the world heritage list.

“It was a long procedure during which several UNESCO experts had to come to Mauritius to carefully examine our request. At the time, Armoogum Parsooramen was an ambassador to UNESCO. He worked a lot on this file, just like my former minister, Mahen Gowressoo who worked hard,” he said.

At the same time, a group of English investors approached the government to carry out a project falling under the Integrated Resort Scheme around Le Morne. This project, according to Navin Ramgoolam, would generate unprecedented foreign direct investment for Mauritius. He specified that personalities, like English footballer David Beckham, had even decided to buy accommodation in this luxury project.

“Mo dir or fran, monn tike. Ti ena presion poun zot zot permit,” conceded the leader of the reds. However, he decided to wait for UNESCO's decision before considering giving an agreement to English investors. “It was not these foreign investments that were the most important, but to make Morne a heritage site,” he said.

Navin Ramgoolam added that in the meantime, the pressure for him to accede to the request of this group of investors was growing. He referred to those exercised by an English ambassador who, according to him, had made him understand that if the file was rejected, it would have harmful consequences on the image of Mauritius.

The leader of the Reds revealed that he had then decided to let the British know that their request regarding the project would be accepted but “subject to the decision of the UNESCO”. Ultimately, the investors' request was rejected because the specialized United Nations agency had established that such a project would compromise the integrity of the site. The group of investors had claimed damages of £80 million from the Mauritian government as well as land.

“I remember that during a meeting of the Council of Ministers at which he was present, Pravind Jugnauth told me that we had no choice. One of his ministers had said the same thing. I then made the decision to entrust this case to lawyer Geoffrey Cox and he made me understand that the conditions I had imposed would ensure that we won this case,” said Navin Ramgoolam. It was later, according to him, that he learned that the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) “ti pe negosye komision lor ledo esklav”. He then said: “Taler to pou konn bann dosie nou pou tire lor twa. Kontign rode…”

Commenting on the alliance between the PTr, the MMM and the PMSD, Navin Ramgoolam once again affirmed that these are three parties which were born in the fight, “in comparison with the MSM which was born in power and money.” He then said: “We cannot allow our freedom to be taken away by a clan. »

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