During a press conference on Tuesday, Shakeel Mohamed criticized the Prime Minister for his lack of attention to the “Kistnen Papers”. He criticized the fact that no police investigation was carried out into these documents, even though the magistrate who had chaired the judicial investigation into the assassination of Soopramanien Kistnen had recommended it.

“Two years later, where is the investigation? » Through this question, Shakeel Mohamed refers to the one recommended by magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnath, who chaired the judicial investigation intended to elucidate the assassination of the former agent of the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM), Soopramanien Kistnen. “What is worse is that the Prime Minister does not seem to grasp the urgency of the situation,” added the opposition leader, Tuesday May 14, 2024.

He made this statement during a press conference he held upon leaving the National Assembly, after sending his Private Notice Question (PNQ), focused on the subject, to Pravind Jugnauth. Shakeel Mohamed has already noted one point: “The Prime Minister admits the existence of the Kistnen Papers. » What pushes him to say it is the response provided by the head of government during the PNQ.

“I asked the Prime Minister if the police could investigate the Kistnen Papers. He told me that the police cannot investigate the authenticity of these documents nor can they initiate an investigation into them, because he said that no one knows who wrote these Kistnen Papers », Explained the opposition leader.

He then explained that the magistrate herself recognized the importance of exploring the “Kistnen Papers” and conducting a thorough investigation with a view to determining whether there was an offense under the Representation of the People Act . For Shakeel Mohamed, the fact that the PM does not seem, according to him, to “grasp the urgency of the situation” demonstrates “his lack of credibility when he presents a law on the financing of political parties”.

What the opposition leader finds aberrant is that Pravind Jugnauth, who is supposed to be the most informed man in Mauritius, is not even aware that an article appeared in the January 10 edition 2021 Daily Challenge revealed that a former advisor to Yogida Sawmynaden claimed to be the author of the documents (Kistnen Papers; Editor's note). The author in question is Hansley Jules, the man who made a shocking statement claiming to have misplaced his notebook.

Position of opposition leader

Shakeel Mohamed will hand over to Arvin Boolell soon

“We will soon go through a transition period where Arvin Boolell will resume his position (leader of the opposition; Editor's note). It is my wish and that of Arvin that all this happens smoothly,” announced Shakeel Mohamed.

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