Simmi Bhoyroo, nicknamed “Sim Sim”, has captivated attention online with an impressive community of over 105,000 followers and 2.4 million likes on TikTok. Originally from Mauritius and now based in England, the fifty-year-old also made her debut as a model in the United Kingdom. An adventure that she shares with her husband Karam Singh.

“Namaste, namaste. » This is how Simmi Bhoyroo begins most of her videos. On TikTok, this Mauritian who has lived in England for several years does not just dance. She also sings, especially Bollywood songs, of which she is a fervent admirer.

“I have been passionate about Indian cinema and Bollywood music since I was very young. Now that I have the opportunity to sing and dance on TikTok, I’m having a blast,” confides the fifty-year-old who is also a model.

His passion for Indian culture shines through in his social media performances, adding a touch of authenticity to his content. Every week, Simmi Bhoyroo shares several videos of herself. Often, her husband Karam Singh, originally from India, accompanies her. “He has his own page, but he often accompanies me in my videos. It’s a moment that we share,” she emphasizes.

Living in England for 22 years, Simmi Bhoyroo came on vacation to Mauritius on April 21 for a period of three weeks to visit her family, accompanied by her in-laws. To her great surprise, she was recognized by Mauritians during her stay.

“I was greeted like a real celebrity. My husband and I didn't expect it at all. People stopped us in the street to take selfies. The visit of my in-laws from India was also a moment of shared joy. We have carried out numerous outings to the delight of our followers. »

Her fans greatly appreciated her visit to Mauritius: the video of her arrival on the island has been viewed more than 168,000 times, as has the one in which she is seen scuba diving which has 115,000 views.

“I received many positive comments about my time in Mauritius. My followers appreciate it when I show them sites, whether in Mauritius or elsewhere,” she explains.

She holds the position of Personal Assistant for the Tunisian National Tourist Office in England. Which leads him to travel frequently, whether for professional reasons or for personal pleasure. She generously shares her travel experiences with her followers on TikTok.

This was particularly the case during his travels to Italy, India, Turkey, Malta, Portugal, France and many other destinations. “I travel quite often. It is this diversity that I demonstrate through my videos that people appreciate. »

Every morning I wake up with excitement, finding pleasure in every aspect of my life.”

When she arrived on TikTok in 2019, she hardly imagined the extent of her future fame. But the arrival of his mother, Lalita, aged 77, in England, in 2022, has amplified the enthusiasm of his followers.

“When my mother traveled to visit me in England in 2022, she decided to accompany me in my videos, creating a mother-daughter bond that instantly won the hearts of my subscribers. »

In addition to her role as a TikToker and mother of two children, Avinash, aged 31, and Neha, aged 27, Simmi Bhoyroo works as a model. Since 2021, she has embraced this career part-time. Her journey into modeling began when she participated in the “UK Beauty and Brains” competition in 2021. This competition celebrates not only the beauty, but also the intelligence of the participants, highlighting women remarkable for their knowledge, skills intellectuals and their charisma. Simmi won second place in this competition.

“At first, I was apprehensive about participating, but my husband encouraged me to take on the challenge. We were faced with a series of varied tests, ranging from general knowledge tests to oral presentations on current topics, including fashion shows. This competition aims to convey the idea that beauty is not just about physical appearance, but also encompasses intelligence, personality and the ability to communicate effectively. I am very satisfied with my performance,” recalls Simmi Bhoyroo.

She was approached by modeling agencies to become a model, a transition that initially seemed difficult but became easier over time, pleasing her more and more. She poses for photoshoots. She also participates in fashion shows. To her great satisfaction, her husband also embarked on this adventure.

“I show for European and Indian clothing collections. I also pose for renowned brands whose photos are published in magazines and other media. At one point, they were looking for male models. I then suggested my husband and he was accepted. »

Becoming a model wasn't a career she planned, but it happened naturally for her. “I have a busy life, juggling my role as a TikToker, my work as a model, my duties as a personal assistant, as well as my role as a wife and mother. Every morning I wake up with excitement, finding pleasure in every aspect of my life. »

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