Transactions in Crytel Mauritius shares on the Official Market will be suspended by the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) after the market closes on May 31, 2024. For good reason, Crytel Mauritius has not complied with the provisions of the Listing Rules relating to upon publication of its financial statements.

Thus, in accordance with Listing Rule 3.9 (b), and with the approval of the Executive Listing Committee, it has been decided that Crytel Mauritius will remain suspended until the publication of its financial statements for the financial year ended December 31 2022. These were to be published by the extended deadline of April 15, 2024.

On the company's website, it is highlighted that Crytel Mauritius, as a group, expected steady growth to reach a turnover of $2 billion in 2022 to $3 billion in 2024 and a net profit of 33 million dollars in 2022 to $50 million this year.

Crytel Mauritius was incorporated on September 16, 2020 in Mauritius. It holds a Global Business License and fully owns two metals trading subsidiaries.

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