“We don't sell dreams like the ones that promised to change our lives in 100 days! We have taken concrete actions to transform the country since the first day of the 3,470 we spent governing it! » highlighted the Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance, Sunil Bholah. According to him, the 2024-25 Budget is part of a context of economic recovery, fiscal consolidation, support measures for the most vulnerable and opening towards a more efficient economy for the future.

He then responded to the opposition regarding the criticisms made about inflation. “Simply analyzing inflationary trends in other developed and developing economies can provide a better idea of ​​where we stand on inflation. In the United Kingdom, annual core inflation stood at 4.4% in April 2024. On the same date, the United States, whose ten-year inflation rate is around 2.2% , recorded an annual inflation rate of 3.4%. That of sub-Saharan Africa should be around 5.1%. Nigeria, which is an exporter of raw materials, mainly oil and gas, experienced an inflation rate of almost 34% in April 2024 for a projected economic growth rate lower than that of Mauritius,” he said. he detailed.

Sunil Bholah then argued that the financial services sector contributed 14.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in June 2023.

Another point raised by the minister: economic relations with friendly countries. “For the current financial year, the government is committed to promoting our jurisdiction through strategic partnership agreements with India and African countries. This aims to strengthen our economic relations and create new opportunities for our country in these dynamic markets. At the same time, we will take full advantage of the conferences and workshops organized by the Economic Development Board to increase our visibility on the African continent,” he said.

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