A 60-year-old Surinam resident accuses her neighbor of sexual assault. In a statement recorded around 1 a.m. on Wednesday, June 5, to the Souillac police, she explains that, Tuesday evening, her neighbor showed up at her house before sexually assaulting her. The suspect, 33, was arrested during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday by the local police and kept in custody. On Wednesday June 5, he was presented before the Souillac court on a provisional charge of indecent assault.

In her statement to the police, the sixty-year-old claims that her neighbor physically mishandled her before dragging her to her bedroom where he offered her a sum of Rs 50. “Linn dir mwa pran Rs 50,” said the complainant to the police. The suspect then allegedly forcefully removed the woman's underwear before sexually assaulting her. The woman said she called for help, and her nephew, who lives next door, came to her rescue, but the suspect had already fled.

Injured in the face and mouth, the woman was transported to Souillac hospital. After first aid, she was transferred to Dr Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital, Rose-Belle, where she was admitted. The suspect will be questioned about the allegations made against him.

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